Dogs’ body temperatures can rise when they’re aroused or anxious, making it hard to tell if they have a fever or not. A dog’s body temperature can also shift during the day and night. Your dog’s normal body temperature should be respected, obviously. Take your dog’s temperature at regular intervals throughout the day for several days to get an idea. Some people think that a dog with a wet and cold nose indicates that the dog is healthy, while a dog with a hot and dry nose indicates that the dog has a fever. But that doesn’t necessarily mean your dog has a fever.
But that doesn’t necessarily mean your dog has a fever. Furthermore, canine body temperatures cannot be accurately measured with human no-touch thermometers. The most reliable methods of diagnosing whether or not a dog has a fever involve either visiting the vet if you have any doubts or taking the dog’s temperature with extreme care using a veterinary rectal thermometer. Fevers in dogs are often not detected until they are taken to the veterinarian. Because a dog’s body temperature is greater than a human’s, it is extremely difficult to tell if a dog has a fever simply by touching its skin.
A dog’s typical body temperature is between 101 and 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit, while a human’s is between 97.6 and 99.6 degrees Fahrenheit. As a result, you can think your dog has a fever when in fact their temperature is just fine. When an illness or inflammation raises a person’s core body temperature, the term “fever” is commonly used to describe the condition. If a dog is really aroused or anxious, its body temperature may rise above 103 degrees Fahrenheit, which is still considered a fever.
If your dog has a temperature of 106 degrees or above, you should take him to the clinic immediately. Dogs with temperatures of 103 degrees Fahrenheit or higher can benefit from having their body temperature lowered by placing wet towels or cloths over their ears and feet and having a fan blowing on them. When your dog’s temperature goes below 103 degrees Fahrenheit, you can discontinue the application of cool water.
Observing Behavioral Changes:
A dog with a fever may exhibit some unusual behaviors. The degree to which a dog’s temperature rises can cause these variations. A dog with a fever may exhibit the following changes in behavior:
Fever symptoms in dogs:
Depending on the etiology and degree of the fever, dogs may exhibit a wide range of fever symptoms in dogs. Some typical warning indicators are:

Dogs with fevers generally show signs of fatigue, disinterest, and listlessness. You should investigate the source of your pet’s lethargy, even though it may not necessarily indicate a fever. An exhausted pet may have a fever, but lethargy may also indicate another health problem. You should see a vet if you’re pet has been listless for a while and doesn’t seem to be perking up again.
Red eyes

Red eyes in addition to the other signs presented could indicate a fever in your pet. The redness could be due to inflammation, infection, allergies, pink eye, or canine influenza/distemper, so it’s important to have your dog looked out even if he doesn’t have a temperature. If you want to provide your pet the best care possible, you should see a vet to find out what’s causing the redness.
When their body temperature rises, some dogs start shaking or shivering. Your dog may have a fever if it is shivering and it is not cold outside. If your pet is shivering, you should get them inside where it’s warm and dry. If a fever is the cause of the chills, avoid overheating the patient.
Restlessness or Irritability:
A dog with a fever may pace or be unable to relax. There’s also a chance they’ll display signs of irritation, reacting angrily to even the slightest form of physical contact.
Fever in dogs can cause gastrointestinal issues like vomiting and diarrhea. Your pet may vomit if they have a high temperature. It’s possible a virus is at blame, or perhaps your pet ate something toxic. If your pet is throwing up, you should check for a temperature and consult your vet to figure out why. Bowel blockages, such as those caused by ingesting a toy or other non-food object, can also lead to fever symptoms in dogs like vomiting and fever, and may necessitate surgery to resolve. If your pet has been vomiting, you and your veterinarian will need to work together to make sure it stays well-nourished and hydrated. Your dog may occasionally require intravenous fluids.
Loss of Appetite

Sometimes when you have a fever you won’t feel like eating. If your dog, who is likely driven by food, has suddenly started rejecting his usual rewards, you may want to take note. This symptom, like the others described above, is not conclusive evidence that your pet has a fever, but it is nevertheless worth keeping in mind. If your pet suddenly stops eating, it could be an indication of dental discomfort or an underlying health issue. Your pet should be examined by a veterinarian if you notice that he or she is not eating or drinking normally.
Possible causes of a dog’s fever include:

When an infection is present, the body’s natural response is to raise its temperature. The increased core temperature of the body kills off many heat-sensitive bacteria, viruses, and fungus. Your dog’s fever may be the result of an infection. The most typical infections your vet will check for. Antibiotics that your veterinarian prescribes will effectively treat the vast majority of these infections.
Your dog’s body temperature may increase due to inflammation. Your veterinarian will need to know what’s causing the inflammation in order to treat it effectively. Your pet may need to undergo tests for autoimmune illness.
Ingesting a toxic or poisonous substance
If your dog eats something dangerous or toxic, he may develop a high temperature as the poisons circulate throughout his body. You should check to see whether your dog has come into touch with anything toxic, such as rat poison, antifreeze, or a poisonous plant or flower.

Your dog may get a slight fever after having a vaccination. You should keep a close eye on your pet for the next 24–48 hours to make sure the fever goes away on its own.
Tick-borne illness
Lyme disease and other ailments are transmitted by ticks to dogs. If your dog has a fever and you have just removed a tick or have been in an area with ticks, the vet will want to know. Take a picture of the tick you pull off your dog before you throw it away as a precaution. This information will be useful to your veterinarian in determining the species of tick and the diseases it may carry.
What to give dog for fever?
If your dog has a temperature higher than 103 degrees Fahrenheit, it’s time to make an appointment with the doctor. Extreme fevers, defined as 106 degrees or higher, require immediate medical attention. Your dog may be in pain if he develops a temperature.
Monitor their temperature:
To take your dog’s temperature, use a rectal thermometer made for animals. The average temperature for a dog is between 100.5 and 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit (38 and 39.2 degrees Celsius). They may get a fever if their temperature rises above that level.
Keep them hydrated:
Make sure your dog always has access to clean water. Dehydration is common during a fever, so remind them to drink often. Offer ice cubes or dilute their water with low-sodium chicken broth if they aren’t drinking enough.
Offer a comfortable environment:
Make sure your dog has a peaceful and cozy place to rest. Maintain a comfortable, cool temperature. Give them something comfy to lie on, such a blanket or bed.
Do not administer human medications:
Never treat your dog with human prescription or over-the-counter drugs without first checking with your vet. Human medications may be hazardous or even fatal for dogs.
Avoid excessive activity:
Your dog needs to rest in order to make a full recovery. Don’t subject them to strenuous exercise or anything else that could raise their core temperature even higher. Let them get some much-needed rest.
In conclusion, a dog’s fever is an indicator that he or she is fighting off an infection of some kind; such illnesses might come from bacteria, viruses, or fungi. Use an ear or rectal thermometer to determine for sure if your dog has a fever. If you suspect your dog has a fever, don’t waste any time getting them checked out by a vet. Fevers, along with other symptoms, can be a sign of a major health problem in your pet. Dutch makes it easy to have your questions answered and get your pet the care they need without leaving home. Anxious dogs can benefit from Dutch’s pet telemedicine services, which are available for non-emergency situations. Dog owners can rest easy knowing their pet will receive the best care possible.