In recent years, there has been a sudden rise in the popularity of freshwater aquarium sharks. A lot of people can’t get enough of them. No of the species, having a freshwater shark as a pet is fascinating. For centuries, these symbolic fish have symbolized our water connection. It’s always entertaining to see a freshwater shark in a fish tank as a shark fish pet.

freshwater sharks for aquariums are a popular choice for new fish keepers due to their very low maintenance needs and their seemingly hardy appearance. However, mature freshwater sharks may grow much larger than anticipated and need a very large shark for fish tanks.

Let’s find out whether that cute little shark from the pet shop is the perfect fish for you and your setup before you bring it home. Keep reading to find out more about Freshwater Sharks for Aquariums & How Big They Really Get in our blog.

Bala Shark

fresh water sharks

Our biggest shark measures a whopping 12 inches (30 cm) in length. The body of this shark, which goes by many other names, is silver, while the fins are a lighter hue, but have strong black edges. They are well-adapted to the rivers and lakes of Southeast Asia, where temperatures range from 72 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit (22 to 28 degrees Celsius) and the pH ranges from 6 to 8. They rapidly consume both floating and sinking meals, as well as invertebrates like shrimp and snails, making them simple to feed.

As a result of the massive tank size required, we do not suggest this species for most aquarists. This foot-long monster is always on the go, so make sure it has plenty of room to swim about. Many aquarists only acquire one Bala shark for a 125- to 150-gallon fish tank since it is so difficult to find a shark aquarium with at least 6 feet (1.8 m) in length for a school of four or more of these massive fish. They do well in tanks with bigger cichlids, catfish, and loaches, as well as other semi-aggressive fish of a similar size.

Roseline Shark

The Roseline shark is so named because of the small red line that rests atop a larger black, horizontal stripe along its body. They reach a length of 10 to 13 centimeters (4-5 inches) and have beautiful yellow and black stripes on the tail, earning them the name “Denison barbs.” They like living in a planted shark aquarium since they are native to fast-moving rivers and ponds in India that have lush vegetation along the banks. They are schooling fish and need a group of at least three to five of them, so you’ll need a tank that’s at least four feet (1.2 meters) in length if you want to keep them. They would get along nicely with rainbowfish, larger livebearers, and other quick swimmers because of their tiny size and little aggression. Feeding children, a variety of pre-cooked, freeze-dried, gel, and frozen meals shouldn’t be a problem.

Red Tail Shark

shark fish pets

This species is distinguished by its all-black body and fins and its distinctive red tail, which gives it the common names red-tailed black shark and red tail shark minnow. Adult red-tail sharks may reach a length of 5-6 inches (13-15 cm) and need an aquarium shark that is at least 4 feet (1.2 m) in length, despite their adorable baby form in the fish shop. They originate in the floodplains, rivers, and streams of Thailand during the monsoon season and are thus adapted to temperatures between 72- and 79 degrees Fahrenheit (22 26 degrees Celsius). All the sharks on this list are omnivores, meaning that they will eat nearly anything. This includes sinking wafers, fish flakes, and even certain forms of algae.

As they do not form schools like other shark species, red-tailed sharks develop fierce territoriality as they age, even when confronted by members of their species. They do well with other semi-aggressive fish of a similar size, such as African cichlids, South and Central American cichlids, and bigger guramis like blue and gold gourami. They do well with gigantic danios and barbs, which are both fast-moving schooling fish despite their relatively tiny size. Don’t put nano organisms in your tank if you want to have placid fish or slow-moving fish.

Siamese Algae Eater

Larger aquarium sharks often need the services of an algae eater. It measures 6 inches (15 cm) in length and has a silvery brown body with a prominent black line down either side. Black beard algae are one of the few things this fish will consume, along with other algae and leftover fish food. Juveniles consume more algae than adults do because adults consume most of the fish food you provide. Adults may need to fast for roughly a week before they are hungry enough to go after algae.

SAEs originate in Southeast Asian rivers and floodplains, where they thrive in tropical conditions (pH of 6-8 and temperatures of 72-79°F, or 22-26°C). Even while you may purchase a whole school of them if you need a lot of algae-eating muscle for a big aquarium, older sharks of any type are likely to become territorial. They are happy to be on their own, therefore a 50-gallon or bigger tank is plenty for a single captive specimen.

Rainbow Shark

aquarium sharks

This gorgeous showpiece may reach a length of 5-6 inches (13-15 cm) and resembles the red-tail shark. They’re not quite as black as you would think, instead favoring a dark grey hue with bright red accents. The albino and GloFish varieties are only two examples of the varying coloration that may be found at pet shops. They originate in Thailand and other Southeast Asian nations and are adaptable to a wide range of pH levels (6.5-8.0) and temperatures (72-80°F; 22-27°C). They will happily consume pellets, wafers, blanched vegetables, frozen meals, and any other kind of food intended for communal fish. In addition, when they are really hungry, they may opportunistically eat algae.

Rainbow sharks are more sociable while they are young, but they develop semi-aggressive behavior against members of their species and other sharks as they get older. There should be no more than one rainbow shark for every 4 feet (1.2 m) of aquarium length. Cichlids, loaches, gouramis, and rainbowfish of comparable size make good tankmates. However, if the bully rainbow shark isn’t stopped from harassing the other fish in the tank, you may need to remove some of the other inhabitants.

How big can sharks get when kept in a freshwater aquarium?
Most freshwater sharks for aquariums are purchased as very young juveniles, and their new owners often put them in freshwater aquariums that are inadequately sized for them. They may be as little as 4 inches in length or as large as massive beasts that weigh up to 100 pounds.
Is it true that a shark kept in a fish tank would only grow 8 inches long?
A shark kept in a tank will not grow any longer than eight inches, but the same shark kept in the ocean will grow to a length of eight feet. Nope, that’s different from how it works at all. The shark can’t outgrow its habitat, just as it’s impossible for you to outgrow yours. Our maturation and advancement in life are both contingent on the environment and surroundings we live in.
How long do sharks that dwell in freshwater aquariums typically survive?
The big Bala Shark, which may be found in Southeast Asia, is a common species kept in freshwater tanks. They may reach a maximum length of 14 inches as adults and have a life expectancy of 10 years when given the appropriate level of care.
If they don't move, do sharks have a chance of drowning?
There are a few iconic species of sharks that would suffocate without a strong current flowing toward their mouths without forward motion or forward motion. However, most sharks will be fine if they stop swimming. Sharks such as great whites, whale sharks, hammerheads, and makes fall into this category.

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