Do you know how to calm down a horse? We can understand it’s a tough job, but here we have some tips to make it easier for you. So let’s find out the Top Tips to calm your horses… The vast majority of horse owners are knowledgeable about the triggers that cause their animals to become uneasy. Some horses become nervous around strange objects, and even recognizable objects in strange situations may cause them to become concerned. People may feel uneasy if they are left alone in the yard, clipped or put onto a truck or trailer, or in other situations. Certain noises may terrify some horses while having little effect on others. Many horses are frightened of other creatures, even horses.
Horses are very observant and constantly on the lookout for potential threats because they are flying creatures. While some conditions cause most horses to become apprehensive and scared, a lot of it relies on the specific horse and his prior experiences. Our perception of danger is not necessarily the same as theirs. Horses generally get along well with people, although they can occasionally become anxious for a variety of reasons. A young or inexperienced horse may be coming into contact with something for the first time, whereas an older horse may have a special allergy to something as a result of a bad experience.
Even the most seasoned and well-cared-for horses occasionally become anxious when placed in demanding or new situations. Whatever agitates your horse, there are tried-and-true techniques to help them relax. Here is our best recommendation.
Get rid of the Cause
While it may not always be possible, doing so can benefit horses who display flight or anxiety behaviours. If you are aware that your horse dislikes pigs, it may be better to avoid a field while you are out alone for a hack because a young or inexperienced horse could become highly afraid there very quickly. A situation need not persist after a cause has been removed.
You might ride past the pigs one day on an older, more confident horse before going by on your own so that the young horse can gain confidence from them. When working with a new horse who hasn’t yet established a trusting and confident relationship with you, it might often be simpler to temporarily eliminate the cause.
Let Him Investigate

If given the chance, some horses will begin to relax after witnessing an odd object, depending on the situation. Because it’s usual for horses to prey on a rider’s weaknesses and fear can easily turn into mischief, it’s crucial to make sure the horse isn’t using frightened behaviour to gently alter the goalposts. For many horses, though, all they truly need is a chance to stand still and gaze at something while receiving a calming touch.
Use your voice

Horses respond strongly to human voice and tone of speech. A soothing statement, whether spoken while the horse is in hand or under saddle, can be very beneficial in calming an anxious horse when a frightful vehicle is approaching, when a jump has a spooky filler underneath it, or when the animal hesitates at the bottom of the ramp. Be firm, but refrain from yelling or acting aggressively.
Smell and touch

Some horses are calmed by physically approaching and sniffing the object that is the source of fear, depending on what it is, how terrified your horse is, and how brave he is ready to be. If a strange-looking log in the grass turns out to be only a log and not a dead body that would devour horses, the horse might be pleased to investigate it before continuing. However, if it is a fluttering white bag in the hedge, you are unquestionably running away from nothing.

It appears that seasoned riders almost instinctively know when to coax and when to sit calmly. Inexperienced handling by the rider or handler frequently leads in a tight and eager response with too much pressure being applied to the animal right at the wrong moment as the animal is trying to figure out what the issue is that upsets him. The horse will gradually develop confidence from your calm and firm management of the situation rather than from a rider or handler who has become irate and aggressive.
Creative Thinking

Instead of forcing the horse to meet a fixed hazard, such as something outside the arena, it is far more effective to ride slightly away from it and then move towards it in a leg yield or half pass. The primary challenge when riding is often when the horse’s focus shifts away from the rider. In order to defuse a potentially explosive scenario, you can use your own confidence as the rider if you can get the horse back on course and keep working.
Return the Horse

The owner might not be the greatest person to handle a stressed-out horse if they are experiencing anxiety themselves. Giving the horse to an experienced friend who is not attached emotionally can be quite reassuring. The horse will react under pressure, which just adds to the tension because the horse is depending on the handler for security and stability. It is very beneficial and ultimately safer to ask someone to stand in when you need to handle the horse for a procedure like loading or trimming.
Serpentines and Lateral Work
With the majority of hot horses, it’s best to avoid spending too much time travelling straight ahead. With few exceptions, a preferable tactic is to keep them occupied by varying the tempo, bending frequently, and changing the direction. This lowers their potential to advance swiftly or gain power while maintaining their attention on you. You can begin experimenting right immediately, even during your warm-up, with shoulder in, haunches in, leg-yields, loops, and transitions.
This technique works with all gaits. Even a very green horse can benefit from small transitions as well as large, sweeping changes in rein and bend. It will be harder for your horse to focus on you and easier to train him to wait for an aid if you frequently change the game and transition at A. This is because your horse won’t be able to foresee what will happen.
Spirals on a Circle
Both inexperienced and seasoned riders frequently exit the spiralling in and out exercise. It is a very beneficial exercise that can be carried out in all gaits because it can be altered to fit the horse and rider. The most common riding style for this is trot, where the rider begins on a 20-meter circle, gradually reduces the diameter to around a 10-meter diameter, and then gradually increases the circle’s width once more. It can be useful to picture yourself riding in a shoulder-fore stance to avoid the horse from dropping through the outside shoulder as you spiral out.
The spiral exercise works because it encourages the horse to push instead of rush, forces the horse to accept leg pressure without bolting, develops a proper inside bend, enhances the sensation of riding from the inside leg to the outside hand, and gives both the rider and the horse something to focus on. The smaller circles can be useful in managing a horse that becomes very forward-bound as long as you ride them with proper half halts using your seat and upper body rather than just yanking on the reins.
All horses occasionally feel frightened, but these feelings are typically fleeting. You must take your time and may need to consult an expert if your horse is uncomfortable or excessively fearful of a task like loading or clipping. The horse’s fear may never completely go away, but with consistent, careful re-education, the majority of them improve. Because hot horses come in a variety of forms, sizes, and types, some workouts will benefit your horse more than others.
For instance, a horse that is tense, highly strung, but very light on the aids could need a different riding approach than one that is explosive, frightful, or capable of developing a very strong mouth. I hope that one (or more!) of these exercises can help your overheated horse.