Kittens have blue eyes when they are first born. It’s possible for them to maintain that appearance throughout their lives, but it’s far more likely that their eye color will change as they age and their bodies produce more melanin. There aren’t too many adult cats around with blue eyes. When it does happen, it is because of their genetics, which most of the time indicates that the cat in question is a pointed breed.

They have no pigment in their iris, so when light reflects off their flat surfaces, it gives the impression that their eyes are blue in hue. There is a wide variety of personalities and activity levels shown by cats with blue eyes, spanning the whole gamut. While some white cat breeds with blue eyes are quite similar to one another, others are more distinguishable.

Our team here at BetterPetsLife has gathered a list of the top most beautiful and unique breeds of cats that either always or occasionally have blue eyes when they grow or get mature.

Turkish Angora


There are many colors that Turkish angoras can have for their eyes, including blue, green, gold, amber, and bicolor. Blue is the most prevalent eye color for the Turkish angora. This kind of cat is distinguished by its large body and gleaming white coat. It is very sociable and loving, and it works best in a household where it will have companionship for the most of the day.


For decades, the beloved Siamese breed has won the hearts of cat lovers all around the globe. Is it any wonder, given that it has such attractive olive blue eyes, pointed colouring, an exquisite body, and a kind nature? They are known fondly as Meezers, because they are very observant and inquisitive. They also thrive when they are the centre of attention, and they are not bashful about letting you know when they want more hugs and kisses from you. They have a broad variety of vocalisations, including a loud meow, and they do not like being ignored.


One of the most well-liked and easily identifiable cat breeds, Persians are known for their plush and silky coats, their characteristic smushed faces, and their friendly and outgoing personality. The majority of white cat with blue eyes. It is well known that Persians are peaceful, caring people who do not make unreasonable demands. They often find that nothing makes them happier than being able to curl up on the owner’s lap and get some love. Due to the luxurious coat, you will need to be prepared for a high-maintenance grooming routine in order to keep it looking its best.



Siamese and Persian cats were used as parents in the breeding programme that produced the pointed Himalayan. There are certain organisations who do not acknowledge the breed as being distinct from the Persian. The eyes of a Himalayan cat are usually a brilliant shade of blue, and its long, thick coat may be any one of a number of different colours. Himmies are often very loving creatures as well as fun ones. They are, nevertheless, capable of getting into trouble if they are not provided with an enough amount of enrichment and attention. Because of its thick hair, this breed requires extensive care on a regular basis in order to look its best.



The eyes of a Balinese, which are characteristically dark blue, are always pointed in the Balinese breed of cat. A natural genetic mutation occurred in purebred Siamese cats, which led to the development of their remarkably gorgeous long coats. Siamese cats are known for their remarkable beauty. These cats, who are of a medium size, are more than simply a gorgeous face. The bright, curious, active, and loving nature of Balinese cats makes them excellent candidates for the role of family pet.



The Siamese and the Burmese have both contributed to the creation of the Tonkinese. It has a gorgeous coloration that is silky and pointed, and its eyes may be blue, turquoise, or yellow-green depending on the individual. These felines have a propensity for being quite loving toward their owners as well as exceedingly lively. They are not as talkative as Siamese, but they will express how they are feeling when they want to.

Snowshoe Cat


The Siamese cat and the American shorthair cat were both used in the breeding process to produce the snowshoe cat. These cats usually have blue eyes, which distinguishes them from other pointed breeds. They were given this name because of the appearance of their white, mittened paws, which give the impression that they had been covered in snow. Siamese ancestors shared many characteristics with snowshoes, it should come as no surprise. They want to participate in everything that’s going on. In addition to that, they are perceptive, talkative, and often bored.



It would be unusual to find a cat with a more relaxed demeanor than the ragdoll. It’s easy to fall for these lovely kitties and their large blue eyes since they have such a magnetic presence. The sociable and clever dispositions of these animals are sometimes likened to those of cats. It’s not out of the ordinary for ragdolls to execute tricks in exchange for rewards. It is essential to provide these active and sociable cats with a lot of enrichment opportunities at home as well as enough of companionship throughout the day so that they do not get bored.

Ojos Azules


Ojos Azules is the Spanish equivalent of the English phrase “blue eyes,” and it refers to a rare cat breed whose herding breeds is still in the process of being developed. Its eyes are a vivid blue despite not being pointed or white. The first kitten of this breed was born in 1984 to a tortoiseshell cat that had been living in a wild colony in New Mexico. All of the kittens in the litter had piercing blue eyes, much like the mother. This cat went on to have litters that included kittens with a wide range of markings, including what are perhaps the bluest eyes ever observed in any breed of cat.



The Birman is yet another aesthetically pleasing breed of pointed cat with blue eyes. This particular long-haired cat may be found in any one of six various hues, but the mittens on its paws are always white. The precise origins of the breed are unclear; however, it is speculated that it originated in France when Siamese cats were crossed with Burmese cats that had been brought from Burma. The Birman is a kind, jovial, and loving breed. Their meows aren’t as loud as those of their Balinese and Siamese ancestors, but they are still a talkative breed overall.


Is hearing loss common in greyish cats with blue eyes?
Cats who have been domesticated and have white fur and blue eyes typically have no hearing at all.
What kind of cat has blue eyes and what breed is it?
The Siamese, the Balinese, the Himalayan, the Persian, the Birman, and the Javanese are all breeds of cats that have blue eyes. It is well knowledge that Ragdolls have bright blue eyes, although this trait is not always present in the breed. In addition, there is a breed of cat known as Ojos Azules, which is very uncommon and may have offspring with black coats and blue eyes.
Is it unusual to come across a cat that has blue eyes?
It’s no secret that cats have some of the most captivating eyes in the animal world, but when those eyes are blue, it really makes them stand out. Because they don’t acquire eye pigmentation until around six weeks of age, all kittens are born with blue eyes, but it is very uncommon for adult cats to have blue eyes.
How uncommon is it to find a white cat that has blue eyes?
There are 5% of white cats in the total population of cats (i.e., pure white). 15–40% of these all-white cats have either one or both eyes colored blue. Twenty to forty percent of those white cats with one or two blue eyes have normal hearing, while sixty to seventy percent of those white cats with one blue eye are deaf. Thirty to forty percent of those white cats with one blue eye are deaf, while sixty to seventy percent have one blue eye and normal hearing.

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